Monday, December 7, 2009

Pink and Dark Chocolate Cupcakes

Nani only likes vanilla cupcakes, but I added the chocolate ganache topping to tickle her taste buds; and i really love the two shades pink and dark chocolate color combination.

Nani also asked for a colorful "hantaran" cupcakes, which I settled for red, blue and pink color combo to symbolize two hearts joined together thru an "akad nikah' ceremony. Selamat Pengantin Baru Nani & Akmal!

My favorite wedding song is "Selamat Pengantin Baru" by Anita Sarawak, here's a few lines

"selamat pengantin baru
semoga kekal abadi
bahgia ke anak cucu
sentosa murah rezeki

alhamdulillah bertemu jodohnya
berkat kesucian akhir terlaksana...."

To listen, go here Youtube - Anita Sarawak's Selamat Pengantin Baru


MizZHannA said...

ada cupcake sya la
hehehe mmg suka sgt cupcake akak
sedap laaaa....
jgn lupa noo kak fondant cake for kenuri 14/2 ni