Thursday, March 26, 2009

Upin & Ipin and Cars Theme Cupcakes

Watched an episode Upin and Ipin for the first time yesterday, thanks to Actually, an order for Upin & Ipin theme cupcakes prompted me to check out this very popular locally produced animation.

My daughter Yna always says "boleh, boleh, boleh" and now I know where she picked up the phrase from. Yna has to stay longer at her 'tadika islam aliran inggeris' starting this week for her Bahasa Melayu remedial. Her cikgu is even more concerned than mommy & ayah about her going into Std One next year and 'tak reti cakap melayu'. Everyone who listen to her speaks bahasa melayu will always laugh because she sounded like Amelia Henderson in 'Kasut Tumit Tinggi' series on Astro. Yna actually learned to speak English by watching endless hours of disney & cartoon network on astro, and went to kindy starting at age 4. She's beginning to like Upin & Ipin and I surely hope it'll help her learn to speak Malay. I know many of my friends' kids have the same 'problem' from watching too much Disney channel tv, the ones who can afford it just send their kids to intl school; there's a new intl school in Kulim too.

Here's my first attempt at making Upin & Ipin using fondant flavored with peanut butter. I almost gave up and wanted to go for edible image instead. I really need the food color marker pens if I want to attempt at this again. I hope the birthday girl recognized my version of Upin, Ipin, Kak Ros, Mei Mei & Rajoo.

And for the birthday boy, car theme cupcakes. The road is chocolate bar flavored fondant.

Thanks cikgu N for this 2nd order..... I had so much fun making these cuppies.


Chee said...

It's not "boleh, boleh, boleh", it's "betul, btul, btul"...